The X-Teams Hothouse

Late last year I had the pleasure of working with the Hargraves Institute facilitating a newly design programme of problem solving and opportunity recognition called X-Teams.

The X-Teams approach is one that delivers a team based programme that aligns and fully supports current strategy and also assists in forward design.

Each X-Team programme is customised to business unit or organisational objectives, goals and internal programmes.  The process is integrated into current work procedures, locations and staffing requirements to ensure minimal disruption and maximum contribution from all participants, sponsors and the executives involved.

X-Teams provides a cost effective means for an organisation to start to develop their own internal “hothouse” environment for testing and developing solutions to real issues as a part of normal business. In undertaking an X-Teams programme an organisation can:

  • Learn powerful techniques to deliver improved productivity and new insights.
  • Help identify and develop your high potential talent and future leaders to become leaders of productivity and growth.
  • Help you to challenge your existing processes and cultures via the application of contemporary and proven thinking methods.
  • Build your ability to build insight quickly and develop action oriented experiments and approaches that are rapid and low cost.
  • Get more value, faster from your people by providing them the skills and insights they need.
  • Identify those elements of the status quo that are in need of redesign or change

Typically in an X-Team programme the senior leadership of an organisation will determine the key areas they would like the process to address. Once these have been decided the programme is designed with the organisation’s imperatives in mind and the X-Teams are selected and formed. The teams will then over a five week period participate in a facilitated process of problem solving and design that will enable them to work with their colleagues to design interventions address their organisation’s most pressing needs.

For an obligation free discussion on how this new process can add value to your business or organisation contact myself or the Hargraves Institute.

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About the Author

Frank Connolly is the Principal of “Think Quick”, a business that adds value through thinking differently. His work history covers all sectors and includes initiatives that have yielded bottom line benefit in the 10’s of millions of dollars.

Frank has worked across Australia, South East Asia, China, the Middle East and Africa where he has trained and facilitated multiple thinking methods and been acknowledged by Edward de Bono as one of the foremost practitioners of the de Bono thinking methods worldwide.

Frank believes strongly that if we can improve the way we think, the actions that follow also improve.


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