The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and make it stop and return to you, without hitting anything, and with nothing attached to it?
A: Go outside and throw the ... Read More
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: How many animals of each species did Moses take onto the Ark?
A: None. Moses was not on the Ark.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: How can you throw a ball as ... Read More
May 16, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What belongs to you, but others use it more than you do?
A: Your name.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: How many animals of each species did Moses take onto the Ark?
The ... Read More
May 10, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: How many months have 28 days?
A: All of them. 12.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
The answer along with a ... Read More
May 3, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What has 1 head, 4 legs but only 1 foot?
A: A bed.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: What increases in size the more you take away from it?
The answer along with ... Read More
April 19, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: Mike's Father has 3 sons: Tom, Dick and ..... ?
A: Mike.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: What has 1 head, 4 legs but only 1 foot?
The answer along with a new ... Read More
April 12, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q:I have rivers without water, forests without trees, mountains without rocks and towns without housing. What am I?
A: A map.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: Mike's Father has 3 sons: Tom, ... Read More
April 5, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: I am a word of 5 letters and people eat me. If you remove the first letter I become a form of energy. Remove the first 2 letters and I'm needed to live. Scramble the ... Read More
March 29, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: I am full of holes but I hold water very well. What am I?
A: A sponge.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: I am a word of 5 letters and ... Read More
March 22, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: Forward I am heavy, but backwards I am not. What am I?
A: A ton.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: I am full of holes but I hold water very well. What ... Read More
March 15, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: Just the mere mention of my name makes me go away. What am I?
A: Silence.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: Forward I am heavy, but backwards I am not. What am ... Read More
March 8, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What starts with a 'T', ends with a 'T', and has a T in it?
A: A teapot.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: Just the mere mention of my name makes me ... Read More
March 1, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: I know a word with letters three. Add two and fewer there will be!
A: Fewer.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: What starts with a 'T', ends with a 'T', and ... Read More
February 26, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What has a head, a tail, is brown and has no legs?
A: A one cent coin.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: I know a word with letters three. Add two and ... Read More
February 15, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: The one who makes it, sells it. The one who buys it, rarely uses it. The one that uses it, never knows he's using it. What is it?
A: A coffin.
This week’s thinking challenge ... Read More
February 9, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What occurs four times every week, twice every month and once annually?
A: The letter 'e'.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: The one who makes it, sells it. The one who buys ... Read More
February 2, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: The runs around a city but never moves?
A: A city wall.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q:What occurs four times every week, twice every month and once annually?
The answer along with a ... Read More
January 26, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What gets wetter at the same time that it is drying?
A: A towel.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: The runs around a city but never moves?
The answer along with a new ... Read More
January 19, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: I will have my skin torn from me and will not cry. You will however. What am I?
A: An Onion.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: What gets wetter at the same ... Read More
January 12, 2024admin