Small things can make a BIG difference

small thinks making a big difference


Big problems don’t always require big solutions. Small things can make a big difference. When we view our issue or opportunity, not in isolation, but as a part of a larger and very inter-connected system, new perspectives start to become visible.

With these new perspectives, new opportunities start to become apparent and new action becomes possible.

Here is one example from the natural world where one component among many, has a profound impact upon the whole. This video describes how the reintroduction of wolves into the Yellowstone National Park in the USA was a major factor in changing the river system.

Now, I don’t necessarily agree with the perspective offered about this being solely a top-down phenomena (referred to here as a trophic-cascade) but it’s certainly a good example of how a large system can be impacted in substantial ways with small, less indirect approaches. The small things can make a big difference.

Our Organisation’s have many issues that can be similarly tackled through indirect intervention that don’t involve the full-on frontal and costly approaches we tend to default to. Smaller and carefully targeted approaches are cheaper to instigate and a way to minimise the risk associated with more costly interventions. Even when the smaller approaches do fail, we benefit from the associated learnings. Given too, that small things mean only small failure failure, we do not put our organisation’s time, dollars or resources at risk.

Sometimes learning where we should not go is every bit as valuable as learning where we should go.

The video runs for 4:33 mins only – please enjoy.  How Wolves Change Rivers

Organisations require new ways of seeing the world, means designing new action and making a big difference. For assistance call Frank at Think Quick for a no obligation chat to discuss your current challenges and opportunities.

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About the Author

Frank Connolly is the Principal of “Think Quick”, a business that adds value through thinking differently. His work history covers all sectors and includes initiatives that have yielded bottom line benefit in the 10’s of millions of dollars.

Frank has worked across Australia, South East Asia, China, the Middle East and Africa where he has trained and facilitated multiple thinking methods and been acknowledged by Edward de Bono as one of the foremost practitioners of the de Bono thinking methods worldwide.

Frank believes strongly that if we can improve the way we think, the actions that follow also improve.


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