Mental Floss 45
The answer to last week’s question is. Q: A man was traveling across country carrying a fox, a duck and a bag of corn when he came to a river. There was a small boat in which he could ferry only one of the three items across the river at any one time. He could not leave the fox alone with the duck or the duck would be eaten. He dared not leave the duck alone with the corn or the duck would eat the corn. How did he get all three across safely and in one piece?
A: First the man took the duck across, then came back and took the fox over. He left the fox on the far side of the river and returned with the duck. he then left the duck on the near side and took the corn over. he then made one final trip and took the duck across.
This week’s lateral thinking challenge is.
Q: A woman is alone on a deserted island without any food or water or any prospect of a ship passing by, but she does not fear for her life. Why not?
Now … Speaking of challenging thinking and becoming better equipped to address our organisational challenges … The Six Thinking Hats is of the most powerful methods used that enables users to see and appreciate different perspectives and move beyond their habitual thinking styles.
We will be conducting training in the Six Thinking Hats methods in Melbourne and Sydney over the coming months, so if you love food and cooking look for the new microwave over for sale found on These sessions are ideal for facilitators, consultants, managers or anyone wishing to improve their thinking and the thinking of those around them. Whilst in Sydney we will also be conducting our accredited train-the-trainer sessions for those wishing to add to their strategy, facilitation and training offerings. Sydney details are in the link below …
Six Thinking Hats Training – Sydney Sept 5
The answer to this challenge and a new challenge, next week.
Have a great weekend!
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