Mental Floss 202
The answer to last week’s challenge is, Q: Nautious Maximus was born on the 314th day of year 20B.C. and died on the 271st day of year 20A.D. How old was he when he died?
A: Nautious Maximus was 38 years old. This is because day 314 comes after day 271, and also there is no year 0 in the calendar.
This week’s challenge is:
Q: What four-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right?
The answer along with a new challenge, next week.
Important Update!
Supercharge your Creative and Critical thinking with us on Aug 19 &20 with our online Six Thinking Hats & Power of Perception training!
Places will be limited to ensure maximum online interaction.
Expressions of interest to Frank on 61+ 400109727 or email at
Have an excellent weekend!
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