Mental Floss 178
The answer to last week’s challenge is, Q: A serial killer kidnapped five different people and sat them down each with two pills in their hand and a glass of water. He told them each to take one pill but warned them that one was poisonous and the other was harmless. Whichever pill the victim didn’t take, the serial killer would take. Every victim somehow chose the poisonous pill and died. How did the serial killer get them all to take the poisonous pill?
A: Neither of the pills was poisonous. The poison was in the water that all the victims used to swallow their pill.
This week’s challenge is:
Q: A couple went to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Unfortunately, the husband returned home alone because his wife had died in a horrible boating accident. The police contacted the travel agent he booked the trip with and arrested him for murdering his wife. How did they know he did it?
The answer along with a new challenge, next week.
Have an excellent weekend …
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