Mental Floss 166
The answer to last week’s challenge is, Q: I left my campsite and hiked south for 3 miles. Then I turned east and hiked for 3 miles. I then turned north and hiked for 3 miles, at which time I came upon a bear inside my tent eating my food! What color was the bear?
A: White. The only place you can hike 3 miles south, then east for 3 miles, then north for 3 miles and end up back at your starting point is the North Pole. Polar bears are the only bears that live at the North Pole, and they are white.
This week’s challenge is:
Q: A man is looking at a photograph of someone. His friend asks who it is. The man replies, “Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man’s father is my father’s son.” Who was in the photograph?
Watch this space for the answer to this week’s challenge along with a new challenge, next Friday.
New Online training opportunities. Check out the new digital training options from Think Quick. We are now using the new deBono Training Systems digital platform that enables us to deliver virtual instructor led training into any location free of the costs associated with room hire, travel and accommodation. Teams can now undertake the learning at any location and have complete online access to manuals, materials and trainer support. To book or for more information contact Frank Connolly on 0400 109727 or
Have an excellent weekend …
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