How well does your organisation think?
Everything we do is proceeded with some form of thought, yet we tend to focus on the resulting action and spare little attention to the thinking driving our action when developing our staff.
When discussing thinking I like to use the metaphor of a river, that has it’s source in the mountains from where it travels down through valleys, out across the plain and then out to sea.
Using this analogy, we spend way too much time thinking and operating downstream, when the real need is for us to move our thinking back upstream to the river’s source. We find without fail, that when people have the learning and capacity to move their thinking back upstream to start off with, the downstream results are greatly improved. Suddenly, that $1,000,000 issue ceases to exist or at least becomes a $1000 issue because we improved our thinking in the first instance.
In your organisation, do all of your people have the knowledge and skills at their disposal to:
1) Design new ways forward when the old ways are failing?
2) Produce genuinely new, value-adding ideas on demand?
3) Explore multiple options with open minds and avoid being solution oriented?
4) Collaborate in meetings with focus, action and outcome orientation?
5) Integrate diverse views rather than have them divide?
6) Safely move past using the “fear of failure” to avoid moving to action?
7) Question static beliefs and move beyond default responses?
How much would your organisation’s performance improve if your staff applied a common language and methods to address these 7 points?
At Think Quick we have proven methods and track-record in assisting with all 7 of these needs and transforming performance – call us and we’ll have a no obligation chat to see just where we can add the most value for you.
For organisations wishing to make an early start on driving performance, join us in one of our training session below …
Melbourne, Six Thinking Hats Training – Aug 31
Sydney, Six Thinking Hats Training – Sept 5
Sydney, Six Thinking Hats Certifications for New Trainers – Sept 5, 6 & 7
Canberra, Six Thinking Hats Training – Oct 17
Canberra, Six Thinking Hats Certification for New Trainers – Oct 17, 18 & 19
For more information or to discuss pathways forward, call Frank on 0400 109727 or contact us via email here.
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