The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: A man has a close shave before going to bed. By sunrise he has a full beard. How is this possible?
A: The man lives above the Arctic Circle. In the winter, when the ... Read More
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: There are 10 birds perched on a fence. A farmer aims his rifle and shoots one. How many birds remain?
A: None. One is dead on the ground and the other 9 fly away ... Read More
August 9, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: If you put a small coin into an empty wine bottle and replace the cork, how would you get the coin out without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle?
A: Push ... Read More
June 28, 2024admin
How do we move from talking Innovation, to doing Innovation?
Organisations are attempting to do more with less in a sustainable way, while still needing to improve service delivery and profit.
A tough task, even at the best of times.
The thinking that worked well enough ... Read More
May 20, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: How many animals of each species did Moses take onto the Ark?
A: None. Moses was not on the Ark.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: How can you throw a ball as ... Read More
May 16, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: How many months have 28 days?
A: All of them. 12.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
The answer along with a ... Read More
May 3, 2024admin
A full day training to help you transform your Ideas into Impactful Reality.
In-house training at a location of your choice for your teams.
Enquiries: Frank on 0400 109727 or
In an era ... Read More
April 18, 2024admin
We all run the risk of falling into the “intelligence trap.”
It is assumed that intelligence goes hand in hand with thinking. Too often however, intelligent people are in danger of becoming poor thinkers. They are in effect, trapped by their own intelligence. ... Read More
March 26, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: I am full of holes but I hold water very well. What am I?
A: A sponge.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: I am a word of 5 letters and ... Read More
March 22, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What starts with a 'T', ends with a 'T', and has a T in it?
A: A teapot.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: Just the mere mention of my name makes me ... Read More
March 1, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What is as light as a feather, but even the world's strongest man cannot hold it for more than 10 minutes?
A: His breath.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: I will have ... Read More
January 4, 2024admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: Someone learning to drive went down the one way street without breaking the law. How?
A: They were walking, not driving.
This week’s thinking challenge is …
Q: What is as light as a ... Read More
December 29, 2023admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: There is a chain nailed to a wall. The chain is 3 metres long and the middle of the chain dips down 1.5 metres from where each side of the chain is nailed to the ... Read More
December 15, 2023admin
This post is a revisiting to something I wrote 13 years ago. I'm not seeing to much change, except perhaps for my writing having slightly improved through age and the reduction of my hyperbole. The diplomacy however has not improved ... Read More
December 11, 2023admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: There are flowers with bees hovering over them. How many flowers and bees are there if both these statements are true? 1) If each bee lands on a flower, one bee doesn't get a flower. ... Read More
December 8, 2023admin
The answer to last week’s challenge is, Q: A mountaineer climbs Mt Everest for the very first time. He hires a couple of sherpa guides and heads on up the mountain. Half way up, one of the guides falls into a deep crevasse, ... Read More
May 6, 2022admin
A very sad day today with the loss of one of the world's great thinkers and teachers.
Edward deBono passed away peacefully in Malta today leaving a legacy that we cannot even begin to measure.
I first came across the work of Edward whilst working ... Read More
June 10, 2021admin
The answer to last week's challenge is Q: Someone has to cut a roll of ribbon into one metre lengths. It takes them 2 seconds to measure and cut a length, and the whole roll is 50 metres long. How long will ... Read More
May 1, 2020Frank Connolly
We are very pleased to announce that we will be conducting a certification course in the Six Thinking Hats in Canberra on October 17, 18 & 19.
This certification will both skill and authorise participants as official Six Thinking Hats trainers who ... Read More
July 19, 2018Frank Connolly