The answer to last week's challenge is. Q: One ALP and one LNP politician are being interviewed. "I am liberal" says one. "I am Labor" says the other. At least one of them is lying. Which one is it?... Read More
The answer to last week's challenge is. Q: What is the difference between a crisp new $5 note and an old torn one?
A: $4.00
This week's challenge is ...
Q: One Labor and one Liberal politician are being interviewed. "I ... Read More
January 5, 2018Frank Connolly
The answer to last week’s challenge is. Q: A person is replacing a wheel on their car when they accidentally drop the all the nuts used to attach the wheel to the car. The nuts fall down a drain and are ... Read More
December 29, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's challenge is. Q: Train A and Train B are crossing the country from coast to coast, a distance of over 3000 kms. A is traveling from Melb to Perth at 100km/hour. B leaves at the same ... Read More
December 22, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's challenge is. Q: A man staggers out of a pub under the influence. Everything he is wearing is black, including a ski mask as it is very cold. He is walking down the middle of ... Read More
December 8, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's challenge is. Q: You are inside a perfectly cubical room where each wall, the ceiling and the floor are mirrors. There is nothing else in the room. How many reflections can you see if you're facing in ... Read More
December 1, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss is. Q: How can you build pig pens so that you can put nine pigs in four pens so that each pen has an odd number of pigs?
A: Put three pigs in each ... Read More
November 24, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's challenge is. Q: If you put a coin in an empty bottle and insert a cork into the neck of the bottle, how can you remove the coin without taking out the cork or breaking the ... Read More
November 17, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's challenge is. Q: Professor Frink was trekking through a remote jungle when captured by logic-loving cannibals. He was brought before the Chief and told, "You may now speak your last words. If your statement is ... Read More
November 10, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Lateral Thinking challenge was. Q: A man hijacks an aircraft transporting both passengers and valuable cargo. After taking the cargo, the man demands two parachutes, puts one of them on and then jumps leaving the other behind. ... Read More
October 27, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's challenge was. Q: A woman left her flat to go to work. Upon her return at the end of the day she discovered her flat has been broken into. The thieves have taken everything except ... Read More
October 20, 2017Frank Connolly
Join us on Dec 6 in Melbourne for our training in the Six Thinking Hats® conducted by a de Bono Master Trainer.
Register Here!
October 13, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss. Q: Arthur goes to the Doctor and asks the Dr to give him an all over check up. He says "I feel extreme pain whenever I prod any part of my body. Each time the ... Read More
October 13, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's thinking challenge. Q: A woman had two sons who were born on the same hour of the same day of the same year. But they were not twins. How could this be?
A: A third child ... Read More
October 6, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's lateral thinking challenge. Q: Jason is lying dead. He has a metal bar across his back and some food in front of him. How did he die?
A: Jason is a mouse caught in a mouse ... Read More
September 29, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Lateral Thinking challenge. Q: A painter was painting using an ordinary paintbrush. Something startled him, he dropped the brush and it fell on the ceiling, not the floor. How could this be?
A: The painter was ... Read More
September 22, 2017Frank Connolly
We are excited to announce we will be conducting a Six Thinking Hats® Public Training Day in the Melbourne CBD on Wednesday December 6th.
The Six Thinking Hats® are a marquee organisational development tool. The "Hats" are a comprehensive methodology that ... Read More
September 18, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge. Q: An Arab Sheikh tells his two sons that they must race their two camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel arrives last will win. ... Read More
September 15, 2017Frank Connolly
Last week's thinking challenge was ... Q: An aircraft crashed and every single person on board died. Yet ... two people do survive. How could this be?
A: The two that survived were married ... Read More
September 8, 2017Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss. Q: A mountaineer climbs Mt Everest for the very first time. He hires a couple of sherpa guides and heads on up the mountain. Half way up, one of the guides falls into a deep ... Read More
September 1, 2017Frank Connolly