The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: Paul married two women, without divorcing either. Neither women committed bigamy or died. How? A: Paul was a Priest. This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: Can you divide a cake into 8 pieces ... Read More
July 19, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: A woman had two sons that were born on the same hour of the same day of the same year, but they were not twins. How so? A: They were two of a set ... Read More
July 12, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: Why is it than we have round manhole covers and not square ones? A: A round cover cannot fall down the hole it covers. This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: A woman had ... Read More
July 5, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: If you put a small coin into an empty wine bottle and replace the cork, how would you get the coin out without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle? A: Push ... Read More
June 28, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: A table tennis ball fell into a long pipe sticking out of the ground. The pipe is only a little wider than the ball so you cannot get it with your hand. You have no ... Read More
June 21, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: If the day after the day before yesterday was Monday, and the day before the day after tomorrow is Wednesday, what day is it today? A: Tuesday. This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: ... Read More
June 14, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What common chemical compound could be represented with: H, I, J, K, M, N, O? A: H2O or water. (H to O). This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: If the day after the ... Read More
June 7, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left hand? A: Your left hand. This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: What common chemical compound could be represented with: H, ... Read More
May 31, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and make it stop and return to you, without hitting anything, and with nothing attached to it? A: Go outside and throw the ... Read More
May 24, 2024admin


How do we move from talking Innovation, to doing Innovation? Organisations are attempting to do more with less in a sustainable way, while still needing to improve service delivery and profit. A tough task, even at the best of times. The thinking that worked well enough ... Read More
May 20, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: How many animals of each species did Moses take onto the Ark? A: None. Moses was not on the Ark. This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: How can you throw a ball as ... Read More
May 16, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What belongs to you, but others use it more than you do? A: Your name. This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: How many animals of each species did Moses take onto the Ark? The ... Read More
May 10, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: How many months have 28 days? A: All of them. 12. This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: What belongs to you but others use it more than you do? The answer along with a ... Read More
May 3, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What increases in size the more you take away from it? A: A hole. This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: How many months have 28 days? The answer along with a new challenge, next ... Read More
April 26, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: What has 1 head, 4 legs but only 1 foot? A: A bed. This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: What increases in size the more you take away from it? The answer along with ... Read More
April 19, 2024admin


A full day training to help you transform your Ideas into Impactful Reality. In-house training at a location of your choice for your teams. Enquiries: Frank on 0400 109727 or think.quick@me.com In an era ... Read More
April 18, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: Mike's Father has 3 sons: Tom, Dick and ..... ? A: Mike. This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: What has 1 head, 4 legs but only 1 foot? The answer along with a new ... Read More
April 12, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q:I have rivers without water, forests without trees, mountains without rocks and towns without housing. What am I? A: A map. This week’s thinking challenge is … Q: Mike's Father has 3 sons: Tom, ... Read More
April 5, 2024admin


The answer to last week’s challenge is: Q: I am a word of 5 letters and people eat me. If you remove the first letter I become a form of energy. Remove the first 2 letters and I'm needed to live. Scramble the ... Read More
March 29, 2024admin


We all run the risk of falling into the “intelligence trap.” It is assumed that intelligence goes hand in hand with thinking. Too often however, intelligent people are in danger of becoming poor thinkers. They are in effect, trapped by their own intelligence. ... Read More
March 26, 2024admin