Don't be alarmed, but if you are like me and most people on the planet ... You are not that rational.
Like it or not, we are emotional beings plagued with conscious and unconscious biases with which we make ... Read More
As people increasingly become politically-polarised and as a result group-think becomes more common, society is losing it's critical thinking capacity.
Never has the need for these skills been greater.
To assist we have listed 10 key pieces of advice to improve your ... Read More
January 23, 2023Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's challenge is: Q: A jet airliner carrying 20 Mexican lawyers to a convention in Rio de Janiero crashed and landed directly onto the border between Colombia, Venezuela & Brasil. Under International law, where should the ... Read More
May 15, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's challenge was: Q: A woman stopper her car opposite a hotel and was soon bankrupt. How?
A: She was playing Monopoly.
This week's challenge is:
Q: A jet airliner carrying 20 Mexican lawyers to a convention in Rio de ... Read More
May 8, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's challenge is Q: Someone has to cut a roll of ribbon into one metre lengths. It takes them 2 seconds to measure and cut a length, and the whole roll is 50 metres long. How long will ... Read More
May 1, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: In 1987, a crane collapsed near a business and residential area of Sydney harbour at lunchtime. Nobody noticed or heard a thing however, why not?
A: A bird collapsing is not ... Read More
April 24, 2020Frank Connolly
Practical Innovation (Dubai June 17-18, 2020)
How do we move from talking about innovation, to doing innovation?
We struggle to break free from day to day habits and procedures that often hold us back. Yet, we all understand that to deliver the quality services and products now ... Read More
April 18, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: Which English word do all Australians pronounce incorrectly?
A: The word "Incorrectly"!
This week's thinking challenge is:
Q: In 1987, a crane collapsed near a business and residential area of Sydney ... Read More
April 11, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: Can you guess the next letter on this series C-Y-G-T-N-L-I-T_?
A: The letter S, because they are the first letters of each of the words of the question.
This week's thinking challenge is:
Q: Which English ... Read More
April 3, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: A horse plows a field all day. If he takes 24 steps to reach from one end of the field to another, how many hoof prints will the horse leave in the ... Read More
March 27, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: Add a 2 to 171 and make it less than 18.
17 and a half.
This week's thinking challenge is:
Q: A horse plows a field all day. If he takes 24 steps ... Read More
March 20, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: How much dirt is there in a square hole that is 12cms on each side and 12cms deep?
A: None. It's a hole.
This week's thinking challenge is:
Q: Add a 2 ... Read More
March 13, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: When the boy told his Mother he was going to join the band she immediately became very upset and knew that a bad fate would befall him. How?
A: The band was ... Read More
March 6, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: A farmer is walking across his field when he comes across a bundle. A few metres away he is horrified to discover the body of a dead man. Immediately the farmer knew how ... Read More
February 28, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: Your friend tells you their Grandmother is younger than their Mother. How is this possible?
A: It is possible that the paternal Grandmother could be younger than the Mother. If the Mother ... Read More
February 20, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: I am standing on a bare stone floor, holding a very fragile and brittle porcelain cup. I am certain however, that I can drop the cup more than a metre without it breaking. ... Read More
February 14, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: What can you break by saying it's name?
A: Silence!
This week's thinking challenge is:
Q: I am standing on a bare stone floor, holding a very fragile and brittle porcelain cup. I am ... Read More
February 7, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: You have two buckets of the same size. If you fill one with small pebbles and the other with large stones which bucket will be the heaviest?
A: Both buckets will weight ... Read More
January 31, 2020Frank Connolly
The answer to last week's Mental Floss challenge, Q: How many string quartets are there is a dozen?
A: 12
This week's thinking challenge is:
Q: You have two buckets of the same size. If you fill one with small pebbles ... Read More
January 24, 2020Frank Connolly
This week's Mental Floss challenge is, Q: How many string quartets are there is a dozen?
Join us in Melbourne on Feb 27 & 28 and bring a team to solve some of your ... Read More
January 17, 2020Frank Connolly